Outsourcing?Offshoring – Are you overthinking it?

Remarkably the most common question I get asked when it comes to our business is “How does it work?”

To be fair with so many business models and ways to access talent around the world it should hardly be a surprise. Particularly when this space has traditionally been dominated by the big end of town and large telco’s etc.

Anyone who is in the outsourcing/offshoring industry will tell you it is quite hard to answer when asked the ubiquitous “So what do you do?” question, so often raised in situations where small talk is the awkward social norm.

It is normally followed up by “So you mean like a call centre?”

To be clear our business is closer to a recruitment agency than a call centre. The success of our business model is in its simplicity.

Business owners and senior leaders create roadblocks to getting started with offshore talent because they feel they need to reinvent processes or work on a complicated change management plan to prepare for bringing new members into the team.

We simply help to find the best talent available for the roles you need to fill. RIGHT PEOPLE FOR THE RIGHT ROLES and importantly at THE RIGHT PRICE.


“OVERTHINKING” an Enterprise case study…

In the very early days of Extenda. (So early we didn’t even have a website!) We were introduced at board level to one of the world’s largest manufacturing companies. They are the most recognisable name in their space and enjoy brand recognition most Enterprises can only dream of.

They had recently had a very poor experience in outsourcing and were reluctant to start the process over, yet clearly could see the benefits of including talent in the Philippines as part of their long-term strategy.

During our initial conversation it quickly became apparent that senior management and leaders in the business were looking at outsourcing/offshoring as a major change in direction or at least a big project requiring process changes and additional man hours from an already time poor team. Which for me, was interesting because they are already a global company and are also well accustomed to working remotely (As most businesses are with thanks to the pandemic.)

To turn this around I asked a very simple question “What roles are you recruiting for right now?”

In doing this we identified a range of roles, across different departments, that we felt were best suited to remote staff. There was a wide range, in both seniority and complexity. Ranging from basic processing roles, Mid-Level Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Costing/Estimating roles right up to a very Senior Financial Analyst role.

Once we acquired the Job Descriptions things rolled along smoothly. We completed our usual screening, background checks and first round interviews and then presented the qualified candidates to the client for final approval.

Once hired the business simply embraced their standard on boarding and training processes. (Most of these were already being conducted remotely and from online resources.)

No need to re-invent the wheel.

Months down the track our Extenda team are highly valued staff members and are embraced in the exact same way as the onshore team. In the words of a senior manager “I simply couldn’t imagine, not having them in our team.” Birthdays and Milestones are celebrated, good performance, recognised and rewarded. Management and staff support and care for one another. Good business practices will always apply, now matter where your staff are operating from.


  • Hight attrition
  • Recruitment timeframes and costs
  • Escalating salary rates
  • Low local talent pools
  • Highly competitive market
  • High administrative burden
  • Senior staff working on low value tasks


  • Dedicated staff with great work ethic
  • Extenda manages recruitment end to end
  • General saving up to 70% on cost of Employment
  • Large talent pool of qualified staff
  • Cost effectively hire staff to reduce admin burdens
  • Free up leaders to focus on high value tasks improving performance and job satisfaction

Stop overthinking and lets get the conversation started.

EXTENDA gives you access to some of the worlds best talent in Digital Marketing, Web Development, Accounting, Administration, Customer Service, Tech Support and more…. the possibilities are unlimited.


Please select the corresponding job role and years of experience so we can do the quote for you.